Project/scholarship information

Name of project/scholarship Procura Palavras (P-PAL): A software program for deriving objective and subjective psycholinguistics indices for European Portuguese words
Funder FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Funding program 5876-PPCDTI
Project/scholarship ID 104679
Reference PTDC/PSI-PCO/104679/2008
FundRef URI
Start date 2010-05-01
End date 2013-10-31
Funding amount 161,743.00 €

Report information



Report date 2024-05-21
Number of documents 6

Documents by repository

rum 6

Documents by document type

journal article 6

Documents by rightsAccess rights

restrictedAccess 5
openAccess 1


Tracking the emergence of the consonant bias in visual-word recognition: evidence with developing readers Soares, Ana Paula; Perea, Manuel; Comesaña, Montserrat Open Access Journal article 2014 rum
Psycholinguistic variables in visual word recognition and pronunciation of European Portuguese words: a mega-study approach Soares, Ana Paula; Lages, Alexandrina; Silva, Ana; Comesaña, Montserrat; Sousa, Inês; Pinheiro, Ana P.; Perea, Manuel Restricted Access Journal article 2019 rum
Adaptation of the international affective picture system (IAPS) for european portuguese Soares, Ana Paula; Pinheiro, Ana P.; Costa, Ana; Frade, Carla Sofia Tavares; Comesaña, Montserrat; Pureza, Rita Calado Lopes Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum
On the advantages of word-frequency and contextual diversity measures extracted from subtitles: the case of Portuguese Soares, Ana Paula; Machado, João F.; Costa, Ana; Iriarte Sanromán, Álvaro; Simões, Alberto; Almeida, J. J.; Comesaña, Montserrat; Perea, Manuel Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum
The Minho word pool: norms for imageability, concreteness, and subjective frequency for 3,800 portuguese words Soares, Ana Paula; Costa, Ana Santos; Machado, João; Comesaña, Montserrat; Oliveira, Helena Mendes Restricted Access Journal article 2017 rum
Affective auditory stimuli: Adaptation of the International Affective Digitized Sounds (IADS-2) for European Portuguese Soares, Ana Paula; Pinheiro, Ana P.; Costa, Ana; Frade, Carla Sofia; Comesaña, Montserrat; Pureza, Rita Restricted Access Journal article 2013 rum