Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    147,628.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



Withania somnifera leaf extract delivery as a nanoparticle protect the glioma c...

Marslin, Gregory; Franklin, Gregory; Sarmento, B.; Dias, Alberto Carlos Pires

Withania somnifera (L) is a medicinal plant used to treat stress and neurological disorders. Withanolides are the major compounds responsible for pharmacological activities of this species. Some issues like poor water solubility, poor permeability and bioavailability restricts their therapeutic efficacy. To overcome this, some approaches have been envisaged like nanoparticle drug delivery. In this work, we have...

Development of polymeric nanoparticles containing neuroprotective compounds of ...

Oliveira, Ana Isabel de Freitas Tavares de

Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia das Plantas - MAP BIOPLANT; As doenças neurodegenerativas são cada vez mais prevalentes, particularmente nos países desenvolvidos, onde a esperança média de vida é mais elevada. O stress oxidativo é um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos no processo de neurodegenerescência e na morte neuronal. Os antioxidantes naturais constituem um exemplo de defesas exógenas, particularmente ...

Neuroprotective activity of Hypericum perforatum and its major components

Oliveira, Ana I.; Pinho, Claudia; Sarmento, Bruno; Dias, Alberto Carlos Pires

Hypericum perforatum is a perennial plant, with worldwide distribution, commonly known as St. Johns wort. It has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for the treatment of several disorders, such as minor burns, anxiety, and mild to moderate depression. In the past years, its antidepressant properties have been extensively studied. Despite that, other H. perforatum biological activities, as its neurop...

Wound healing and antimicrobial activities of cosmeceuticals containing natural...

Morgado, josé; Dias, Alberto Carlos Pires

Extracts, infusions, or other types of preparations from medicinal plants have been used for the treatment of various diseases, in what is commonly designated as "folk medicine". In recent years, science has prove that some plant extracts, fractions or specific compounds may have an important role as drug sources with relevant properties. Over the last years the incorporation of natural products, particularly p...

Wound healing and antimicrobial activities of topical formulations containing n...

Dias, Alberto Carlos Pires

Extracts, infusions, or other types of preparations from medicinal plants have been used since ancient times for the treatment of several diseases, in what is commonly designated as "folk medicine". In recent years, science has proven that some plant extracts, fractions or specific compounds may have an important role as drug sources with relevant properties. In this work, particular emphasis will be given to a...

Development, characterization, antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of p...

Oliveira, Ana Isabel; Pinho, Cláudia; Fonte, Pedro; Sarmento, Bruno; Dias, Alberto Carlos Pires

Quercetin and biapigenin are antioxidant and neuroprotective compounds present in Hypericum perforatum, with potential application in neurodegenerative diseases. Quercetin has shown to have excellent antioxidant activities. Biapigenin possesses a distinctive mechanism of action, preventing the onset of calcium deregulation and mitochondrial dysfunction. The main aim of this study was to establish a new delivery...

At plant, from lab bench to bedside: A translational approach

Dias, Alberto

Extracts, infusions, or other types of preparations from medicinal plants have been used since ancient times for the treatment of several diseases, in what is commonly designated as folk medicine. In recent years, science has proven that some plant extracts, fractions or specific compounds may have an important role as drug sources with relevant properties. In this work, particular emphasis will be given to neu...

Antioxidant and neuroprotective effects of Hyptis suaveolens,Hyptis pectinata a...

Campos, Daniela V. -B.; Rios, R.; Bessa, C.; Costa, Marta D.; Teixeira-Castro, A.; Maciel, Patrícia; Dias, Alberto

The increasing trend for the use of natural products as sources of pharmacologically active molecules has changed attitudes in the population. Given the existing demand, a credible scientific analysis and validation of the effect of these natural products is necessary. The genus Hyptis Jacq. (Lamiaceae) has about 300 species with wide distribution, among which Hyptis suaveolens, Hyptis pectinata and Hyptis marr...


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