Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    199,234.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



A design model for strain-softening and strain-hardening fiber reinforced eleme...

Mahsa, Taheri; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Salehian, Hamidreza

A close form solution is developed for the prediction of the moment-curvature relationship of cross sections of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) elements failing in bending, and reinforced longitudinally with steel and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) bars. The FRP bars are installed with the largest possible internal arm, e.g. with the minimum concrete cover that assures the bond conditions for a sound stress tra...

NSM CFRP laminates for the shear strengthening of high strength concrete beams

Dias, Salvador J. E.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.

The effectiveness of the Near Surface Mounted (NSM) shear strengthening technique with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates applied in relatively high-strength concrete beams was assessed by experimental research. Six NSM shear strengthening configurations (three CFRP orientations and two levels of CFRP percentage) were applied in T cross section Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with a steel stirrups ...

A design model for fibre reinforced concrete beams pre-stressed with steel and ...

Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Taheri, Mahsa; Salehian, Hamidreza; Mendes, Pedro J. D.

This paper presents a design oriented model to determine the moment-curvature relationship of elements of rectangular cross section failing in bending, made by strain softening or strain hardening fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) and reinforced with perfectly bonded pre-stressed steel and fibre reinforced polymeric (FRP) bars. Since FRP bars are not affected by corrosion, they have the minimum FRC cover thicknes...

Steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete for grid foundations of single-...

Alves, Nuno; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Nunes, Ângela; Lourenço, Lúcio

This paper describes the preliminary studies carried out in the scope of an applied research project for the design and construction of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (SFRSCC) grid foundations for single-family houses. Adopting a constitutive model for the simulation of the post-cracking behaviour of fibre reinforced concrete, and modelling a complete typical singlefamily house by taking into a...

Embedded through-section bars for the shear strengthening of RC beams

Dalfré, Gláucia; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Machado, Daniel

Embedded Through-Section (ETS) technique is a relatively recent shear strengthening strategy for reinforced concrete (RC) beams, and consists on opening holes across the beam thickness, with the desired inclinations, where bars are introduced and are bonded to the concrete substrate with adhesive materials. To assess the effectiveness of this technique, a comprehensive experimental program composed of 14 RC bea...

Interfacial bond behaviour of GFRP bar in self-compacting fiber reinforced conc...

Mazaheripour, H.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Soltanzadeh, Fatemeh; Gonçalves, Delfina

In an ongoing research project, discrete steel fibers are being used in a self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) to replace completely steel stirrups for pre-fabricated beams reinforced longitudinally with pre-stressed glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and steel bars. To take the advantages of the non-corrodible character and high tensile strength of GFRP bars, the minimum SFRSCC cover needs to be determined in ...

Experimental and theoretical study on bond behavior of GFRP bars in steel fiber...

Mazaheripour, H.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Pepe, M.; Giliberti, A.; Martinelli, E.

To estimate the cracking and the deformational behavior of steel fiber reinforced selfcompacting concrete (SFRSCC) beams reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars, it is fundamental to understand the interfacial bond behavior of embedded bars. Hence, the evaluation of the bond behavior between GFRP and (SFRSCC) was investigated in this study. A closed-form formulation was derived, adopting a ne...

A design model for fibre reinforced concrete bending elements with longitudinal...

Taheri, Mahsa; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Salehian, Hamidreza

A close form solution to calculate the moment-curvature and load-deflection response of strain-softening and strain-hardening fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) elements failing in bending and reinforced longitudinally with pre-stressed steel and fibre reinforce polymer (FRP) bars is presented. This hybrid reinforcement is used for the development of high durable pre-fabricated and cost competitive beams. Pre-stre...

The contribution of embedded through-section bars for the shear resistance of RC

Dalfré, Gláucia; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Breveglieri, Matteo; Aprile, Alessandra

In a recent experimental program, the performance of a novel shear strengthening technique, designated by Embedded Through-Section (ETS), was appraised by performing a series of beam bending tests composed of eight reinforced concrete (RC) beams. According to this strengthening technique, holes are opened through the beam’s section, with the desired inclinations, and bars are introduced into these holes and bon...

Experimental study on bond performance of GFRP bars in self-compacting steel fi...

Mazaheripour, H.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Sena-Cruz, José; Pepe, M.; Martinelli, E.

Reinforcing bars made of Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) are more and more common as internal reinforcement of concrete structures and infrastructures. Since the design of GFRP reinforced concrete members is often controlled by serviceability limit state criteria (i.e., deflection or crack width control), an accurate knowledge of the GFRP-concrete bond behavior is needed to formulate sound design equatio...


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