FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
126,000.00 €
Neste documento apresentamos o projecto Per-Fide que tem como principal objectivo a criação de recursos bilingues entre a língua portuguesa e seis outras línguas: espanhol, russo, francês, italiano, alemão e inglês. Este processo iniciar-se-á com a compilação de corpora paralelos em diferentes áreas, nomeadamente a literatura, religião e política (legislativa e jurídica) e técnico-científica. Os corpora serão a...
Probabilistic Translation Dictionaries (PTD) are translation resources that can be obtained automatically from parallel corpora. Although this process is simple, it requires the existence of a parallel corpora for the involved languages. Minoritized languages have a limited amount of available resources. For example, while they can have a few parallel corpora, the number of parallel language-pairs uses to be re...
Parallel corpora are resources used in Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics. They are defined as a set of texts, in different languages, that are translations of each other. Note that these translations do not need to cover the full document, as we might have sentences translated just on some of the languages. When dealing with the process of sharing resources, recent years have bet on the ...
In this paper we describe Ensinador, a tool that creates grammar exercises for teaching Portuguese as a foreign language, at university level, based on large annotated corpora. After discussing the motivation for the tool, and the context in which it was deployed, we present its specification and its implementation, discussing the particular requirements with concrete examples. We report actual use of the tool ...
O FreeLing é uma ferramenta para processamento de linguagem natural, em especial para análise morfossintáctica e cálculo de árvores de dependências. Embora a escolha de implementação em C++ seja relevante pela eficiência, torna complicado o desenvolvimento de pequenas ferramentas. Além disso, a interface Perl disponibilizada com o próprio FreeLing não é mais que um mapeamento directo da API C++ para Perl, o que...
Probabilistic Translation Dictionaries are around for some time, but there is a lack of a formal definition for their structure and base operations. In this article we start by discussing what these resources are, what researchers are using them for, and what tools can be used to create this them. Including a formal definition and a proposal for a XML schema for dictionaries interchange. Follows a discussion of...
The MAP Doctoral Program in Computer Science of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto; Software maintainers are often challenged with source code changes in unfamiliar pro- grams to improve software systems, e.g., eliminating defects, introducing new features, adapting to reality shifts. To undertake these tasks a sufficient understanding of the sys- tem (or at least a part of it) is required. One ofthe m...
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