FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
71,765.00 €
Research shows that executive function and social-behavioral adjustment during the preschool years are both associated with the successful acquisition of academic readiness abilities. However, studies bringing these constructs together in one investigation are lacking. This study addresses this gap by testing the extent to which social and behavioral adjustment mediated the association between executive functio...
The precise nature of the relation between adult mentalizing abilities and parental representations of the child as a mental agent (mind-mindedness) is under current debate. While some authors state that it is the same competence expressed in different contexts, others assert that they are different constructs. This study examined the relation between mentalizing and mind-mindedness, in mothers and fathers, whi...
This investigation was aimed at studying the relations between executive functions (EFs) and categorical emotion understanding while controlling for preschoolers' IQ, language ability and theory of mind (ToM). Specifically, we wanted to analyse the association between emotion understanding and set shifting, due to the lack of studies with this EF. Data of 75 children aged 41/2 years (52% boys) was collected in ...
The present study examined the relationship between parents’ mental-state talk and preschoolers’ executive function. Seventy-two children participated in the present study, as well as their mothers and fathers. When children were enrolled in the second preschool year, mothers’ and fathers’ use of mental-state references were assessed during a shared picture-book reading task with the child. Later, four months b...
The purpose of this study was to determine the links between paternal sensitive guidance, coparenting, and child behavioral regulation. It also aimed to assess whether paternal sensitive behaviors moderate the putative relationship between cooperative coparenting and child regulatory abilities. The sample comprised 70 preschoolers and their fathers. Behavioral regulation was assessed using the Head–Toes– Knees–...
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