Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    140,744.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



The Azorean edible abalone Haliotis tuberculata, an alternative heavy metal-fre...

Torres, Paulo; Rodrigues, Armindo; Prestes, Afonso L.; Neto, Ana I.; Álvaro, Nuno V.; Martins, Gustavo M.

Abalones are considered a delicacy and exploited for food worldwide. In many places, overfishing has led to the decimation of wild stocks and many are now reared in aquaculture systems. In the Azores, there is no tradition of eating abalones and Haliotis tuberculata stocks are still virtually untouched. However, as tourism in the islands grows and the stocks of other shellfish diminish, there is an increasing p...


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