Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    148,095.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



Avaliação do cálculo da resistência ao punçoamento centrado de lajes fungiforme...

Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Melo, Guilherme S.; Eira, Hélder C. A.

Desde 1979 que as fibras de aço vêm sendo estudadas como uma alternativa de reforço às estruturas de betão armado. No que diz respeito ao sistema estrutural de lajes fungiformes, os avanços conseguidos no campo da ciência dos materiais e das técnicas de construção já permitem a construção de estruturas onde as lajes são reforçadas praticamente apenas por fibras de aço. Para que este novo sistema construtivo pos...

Design and testing elevated steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete slabs

Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Salehian, Hamidreza; Pires, Miguel; Gonçalves, Delfina

The use of steel fibres for the reinforcement of concrete structures is as competitive as higher is the support redundancy, and as many stress components develop in the structure. Slabs supported on piles or columns (here designated by elevated slabs) are this type of structures, where the statically indeterminate degree is dependent on the number of columns/piles, and five stress components are installed, thre...

The predictive performance of design models for the punching resistance of SFRC...

Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Melo, Guilherme S.

In the recent years steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC), in a volume percentage between 0.75 and 1.25, is being proposed to build slabs supported on piles and slabs supported on columns, where the unique conventional reinforcement is composed of some steel bars in the alignments of the columns/piles, designated as anti-progressive collapse bars. Punching resistance, however, can be a concern in this structur...

A model for the prediction of the punching resistance of steel fibre reinforced...

Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Melo, Guilherme S.

With the aim of contributing for the development of design guidelines capable of predicting with high accuracy the punching resistance of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) flat slabs, a proposal is presented in the present paper and its predictive performance is assessed by using a database that collects the experimental results from 154 punching tests. The theoretical fundaments of this proposal are based...

Betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço no desenvolvimento de novos ...

Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Salehian, Hamidreza; Pires, Miguel; Gonçalves, Delfina

O betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras de aço (BACRFA) é um material compósito que integra os benefícios associados ao betão auto-compactável (BAC) com os derivados do reforço proporcionado por fibras discretas de aço (BRFA). O BACRFA pode ser utilizado em diversas aplicações estruturais com vantagens económicas e técnicas. No presente trabalho são discutidos os aspetos relevantes da tecnologia de fabric...

Evaluation of the influence of post-cracking response of steel fibre reinforced...

Salehian, Hamidreza; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Taheri, Mahsa

To develop a reliable methodology for the design of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) slabs, an extensive experimental program was carried out with SFRC square panels simply supported in their contour. By adopting a moment-rotation approach, a numerical model was developed capable of taking into account the constitutive laws of the SFRC for the prediction of the force-deflection response of variety of pane...

A model to simulate the contribution of fibre reinforcement for the punching re...

Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Melo, Guilherme S.

In this paper analytical formulations are developed for the prediction of the punching resistance of flat slabs 17 of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) flexurally reinforced with steel bars. By performing statistical 18 analysis with a database that collects experimental results on the characterization of the post-cracking 19 behaviour of SFRC, equations are determined for the evaluation of the residual fl...

Numerical simulation of the punching shear behaviour of self-compacting fibre r...

Teixeira, Marcos D. E.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Cunha, Vitor M. C. F.; Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Gouveia, A. Ventura

This paper presents the numerical simulations of the punching behaviour of centrally loaded steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) flat slabs. Eight half scaled slabs reinforced with different content of hooked-end steel fibres (0, 60, 75 and 90 kg/m3) and concrete strengths of 50 and 70 MPa were tested and numerically modelled. Moreover, a total of 54 three-point bending tests were carried ou...

The influence of fibre orientation on the post-cracking tensile behaviour of st...

Abrishambaf, Amin; Cunha, Vitor M. C. F.; Barros, Joaquim A. O.

Adding fibres to concrete provides several advantages, especially in terms of controlling the crack opening width and propagation after the cracking onset. However, distribution and orientation of the fibres toward the active crack plane are significantly important in order to maximize its benefits. Therefore, in this study, the effect of the fibre distribution and orientation on the post-cracking tensile behav...

Assessment of the effectiveness of steel fibre reinforcement for the punching r...

Barros, Joaquim A. O.; Moraes-Neto, B. N.; Melo, G. S. S. A.; Frazão, Cristina Maria Vieira

The present paper deals with the experimental assessment of the effectiveness of steel fibre reinforcement in terms of punching resistance of centrically loaded flat slabs, and to the development of an analytical model capable of predicting the punching behaviour of this type of structures. For this purpose, eight slabs of 2550 x 2550 x 150 mm3 dimensions were tested up to failure, by investigating the influenc...


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