FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
71,279.00 €
The aim of this work was to compare the preferred chromatic composition for unfamiliar paintings with the original. Stimuli were images of paintings generated by rotating the color volume around the L* axis in CIELAB. The images were presented on a CRT. Four paintings were abstract from Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, two had figurative elements from the same painter, two were abstract and two were figurative from oth...
In natural complex environments, the elevation of the sun and the presence of occluding objects and mutual reflections cause variations in the spectral composition of the local illumination across time and location. Unlike the changes in time and their consequences for color appearance and constancy, the spatial variations of local illumination color in natural scenes have received relatively little attention. ...
Painters reproduce some spatial statistical regularities of natural scenes. To what extent they replicate their color statistics is an open question. We investigated this question by analyzing the colors of 50 natural scenes of rural and urban environments and 44 paintings with abstract and figurative compositions. The analysis was carried out using hyperspectral imaging data from both sets and focused on the g...
The aim of this work was to assess the influence of dynamic luminance contrast noise masking (LCNM) on color discrimination for color normal and anomalous trichromats. The stimulus was a colored target on a background presented on a calibrated CRT display. In the static LCNM condition, the background and target consisted of packed circles with variable size and static random luminance. In the dynamic LCNM condi...
One hypothesis to explain the aesthetics of paintings is that it depends on the extent to which they mimic natural image statistics. In fact, paintings and natural scenes share several statistical image regularities but the colors of paintings seem generally more biased towards red than natural scenes. Is the particular option for colors in each painting, even if less naturalistic, critical for perceived beauty...
Colour discrimination has been widely studied in red-green (R-G) dichromats but the extent to which their colour constancy is affected remains unclear. This work estimated the extent of colour constancy for four normal trichromatic observers and seven R-G dichromats when viewing natural scenes under simulated daylight illuminants. Hyperspectral imaging data from natural scenes were used to generate the stimuli ...
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