FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
124,342.00 €
computers have been looked as an instrument due to process and record information, but also as a means of automatically processing and transmitting information, and now as a means of autonomously thinking, deciding, acting. Recent trends in the field of what we are calling Artificial Intelligence, brought along new ways of expressing will and declarations – as an electronic behaviour that exteriorizes the conte...
The advances observed in the last years in telecommunication technologies rapidly brought along new ways of doing business. This new reality, however, has not been so rapidly followed by the entities responsible for dealing with the conflicts that arise from these interactions, now undertaken in an electronic format. Traditional paper-based courts, designed for the industrial era, are now outdated. The answer t...
In virtually every environment there is the chance that, sooner or later, a dispute will arise. Disputes can take place in the most different scenarios and concern the most different subjects. With the advent of the telecommunication technologies, disputes also started to take place in virtual environments. In order to settle these new disputes, Online Dispute Resolution tools started to emerge. In this paper w...
Projetos de cenários dotados de Inteligência Ambiente têm vindo a crescer de dia para dia e, mesmo sendo uma área relativamente recente, já mostram a sua importância. Com esta tecnologia, e possível encontrar soluções para áreas tão vastas como a medicina, o entretenimento e lazer ou a segurança, procurando, sempre, o bem-estar e a segurança dos seus utilizadores. Neste artigo faz-se um levantamento sobre as pr...
Série : CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 684; Parties involved in disputes often lack the information they need to take rational decisions. As a consequence, they frequently enter into agreements that are not as advantageous as they could be. Having the right information in the right time would guide parties into taking more weighted and realistic decisions. Specifically, parties should consider their best, wors...
The growing use of telematic ways of communication and of the new developments of Artificial Intelligence, brought along new ways of doing business, now in an electronic format, and requiring a new legal approach. Thus, there is an obvious need for legal changes and adaptations, not only concerning a new approach of traditional legal institutes, but also concerning a need for new developments in procedural mean...
A crescente utilização da contratação electrónica força-nos a equacionar a mudança da resolução de litígios para os ambientes electrónicos. Assim, o elemento tecnológico há-de ser considerado realmente como uma “quarta parte”. Neste contexto, os agentes de software podem desempenhar um importante papel. Um ponto fundamental para a resolução de confl itos prende-se com a consideração da melhor alternativa (BATNA...
Springer - Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 79; Recent trends in communication technologies led to a shift in the already traditional Alternative Dispute Resolution paradigm, giving birth to the Online Dispute Resolution one. In this new paradigm, technologies are used as a way to deliver better, faster and cheaper alternatives to litigation in court. However, the role that technology pla...
The growing use of electronic contracting urges the move of dispute resolution to online environments. Thus being, the technological element has to be considered as the “fourth party”. In this sense, software agents may well play an important role. One major issue in dispute resolution is the estimation of BATNA and of WATNA; software agents may become very useful tools in this operation, facing dispute resolut...
A passagem para uma sociedade globalizada, assente em relações estabelecidas através do funcionamento das redes telemáticas, traz consigo novas necessidades no que à resolução de conflitos respeita. Os litígios podem agora surgir entre quaisquer duas pessoas ou entidades, independentemente do local físico em que se encontrem. O que nos leva a ter que encarar alternativas ao tradicional sistema de resolução judi...
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