Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

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  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    174,808.00 €

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Microbiotec'11 : [book of abstracts]

Joint Conference of the Portuguese Society for Microbiology and the Portuguese Society for Biotechnology (Microbiotec'11), 4, Braga, 2011

This is the book of abstracts of the scientific presentations at Microbiotec'11.

Isolation and characterization of vaginal microorganisms and its association wi...

Alves, Patrícia Maria

Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengineering; Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common gynaecological conditions affecting women in reproductive age worldwide, being linked to serious public health consequences. Due to their complexity and to the diversity of microorganisms involved in this condition, the exact aetiology is inconclusive, but recent reports referring to the presence of anaerobic biofilms ...

Doctor’s perception on bacterial vaginosis in Portugal: prevalence, diagnostic ...

Henriques, Ana Filipa Frutuoso Mendes; Oliveira, José Martinez de; Cerca, Nuno

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common vaginal disorders in women of reproductive age and has been linked to increased risks of preterm labour in pregnant women, HIV and postoperative infections and inflammatory pelvic disease.1 Studies performed in different countries around the world showed that the prevalence of BV varies with geographical location, socioeconomic status and race.1 Data regarding ...

Adhesion of vaginal microorganisms to epithelial cells and its association with...

Castro, Joana Isabel Reis

Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica); A vaginose bacteriana (VB) é um distúrbio da flora vaginal normal e um importante problema de saúde pública em mulheres de idade reprodutiva. A VB é caracterizada pela substituição de lactobacilos vaginais por microrganismos, predominantemente, anaeróbios. Desconhecendo-se a etiologia da VB, duas hipóteses ...

Influence of anaerobic conditions on vaginal microbiota recovery from bacterial...

Cereija, Tatiana Barros Reis; Castro, J.; Alves, Patrícia Maria; Cerca, Nuno

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is one of the most common infections in women of reproductive age. Clinical studies have shown an association among BV and abnormal pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and increased risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. This disorder was first described in 1914 by Curtis as a “white discharge” syndrome and despite the decades of research we have only limited, and cl...

Quantitative analysis of initial adhesion of bacterial vaginosis-associated ana...

Machado, António; Salgueiro, Débora; Harwich, Michael; Jefferson, Kimberly K.; Cerca, Nuno

Bacterial vaginosis is the leading vaginal disorder but the transition from health to this dysbiotic condition remains poorly characterized. Our goal was to quantify the ability of BV-associated anaerobes to adhere to epithelial cells in the presence of lactobacilli. Gardnerella vaginalis outcompeted Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus iners actually enhanced its adherence.; We want to generously thank to...

Lactobacilli and its metabolites as potential probiotics against Gardenerella v...

Felgueiras, C.; Cereija, T.; Machado, António; Cerca, Nuno; Rodrigues, L. R.

[Excerpt] Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most prevalent vaginal disorder in women of childbearing age, posing some significant health risks, such as abnormal pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease and an increased risk of sexual transmitted infections, including HIV [1]. It is characterized by a disruption in the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina with a reduction on lactobacilli number and an overgrowth...

Using an in-vitro biofilm model to assess the virulence potential of Bacterial ...

Castro, Joana; Alves, Patrícia Maria; Sousa, Cármen Sofia Vieira; Cereija, Tatiana; França, Ângela Maria Oliveira Sousa; Jefferson, Kimberly K.

Gardnerella vaginalis is the most common species found in bacterial vaginosis (BV). However, it is also present in a significant proportion of healthy women and G. vaginalis vaginal colonization does not always lead to BV. In an effort to better understand the differences between G. vaginalis isolated from women with a positive (BV) versus a negative (non-BV) diagnosis of BV, we compared the virulence potential...


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