Project/scholarship details

  • Funder

    FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.

  • Funder's country


  • Funding program


  • Funding amount

    96,067.00 €

  • Start date


  • End date



Estudo de validação da versão portuguesa da Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB)

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Costa, Raquel A.

Contexto. O comportamento de retraimento social prolongado da criança é um importante sinal de alarme, quer tenha origem orgânica, psicológica e/ou social. A. Guédeney construiu a Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB), para identificar este comportamento no contexto da consulta pediátrica ou da observação psicológica. Objectivos. Validação da versão portuguesa da ADBB destinada a avaliar o comportamento de retraimen...

Partner relationships during the transition to parenthood

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Field, Tiffany; Diego, Miguel; Hernandez-Reif, Maria; Deeds, Osvelia; Ascencio, Angela

Partner relationships are relevant in the psychological adjustment during the transition to parenthood, but mothers have been studied more often than fathers in this respect. The Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) to assess negative and positive dimensions of the partner relationship, The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) to assess depression an the State Anxiety Inventory (STAi) to asses...

Utentes da Consulta Externa de Ginecologia/Obstetrícia da Maternidade Júlio Dinis

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Teixeira, César Bessa Pinheiro Vieira; Conde, Ana; Pinto, Ana Rita; Sarmento, Paulo

Com o objectivo de fazer a caracterização da situação social e demográfica e das condições de saúde médica e psicológica das utentes da Consulta Externa de Ginecologia/Obstretícia da Maternidade Júlio Dinis e de seus companheiros, duzentas mulheres e cento e setenta e cinco homens (N=375) foram entrevistados com base num questionário desenhado para o efeito, durante o primeiro trimestre de gestação. Observamos ...

Preferência e habituação pela face/voz da mãe vs. estranha em recém-nascidos

Pacheco, Alexandra P.; Figueiredo, Bárbara

O bebé humano, quando nasce, trás consigo uma diversidade de competências que lhe garantem uma pré adaptação e a sua sobrevivência no meio extrauterino. Este estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a preferência e a habituação do recém-nascido pela face/voz da mãe vs. uma pessoa estranha, bem como a identificação de variáveis que possam influenciar estas competências. A amostra, constituída por 50 bebés (com 1 a 5 di...

Partner relationships during pregnancy in anxious and depressed women and men

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Field, Tiffany; Diego, Miguel; Hernandez-Reif, Maria; Deeds, Osvelia; Ascencio, Angela

To assess anxiety, depression and relationship satisfaction in both women and men during pregnancy, the State Anxiety Inventory (STAI), The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) and The Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) were administered during the second trimester to a sample of 59 pregnant women and their partners. Anxious pregnant women rated their relationships as less positive. Depresse...

Mother’s anxiety and depression and associated risk factors during early pregna...

Conde, Ana; Figueiredo, Bárbara; Tendais, Iva Alexandra Barbosa; Teixeira, César Bessa Pinheiro Vieira; Costa, Raquel A.; Pacheco, Alexandra P.

To examine effects of mother's anxiety and depression and associated risk factors during early pregnancy on fetal growth and activity. Repeated measures of mother's anxiety (State-Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S)) and depression (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)) and related socio demographics and substance consumption were obtained at the 1st and 2nd pregnancy trimesters, and fetus' (N = 147) biometric da...

Mother's anxiety and depression during the third pregnancy trimester and neonat...

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Pacheco, Alexandra; Costa, Raquel; Conde, Ana; Teixeira, César

Background: Neonates show visual preference for their mother's face/voice and shift their attention from their mother to a stranger's face/voice after habituation. Aim: To assess neonate's mother versus stranger's face/voice visual preference, namely mother's anxiety and depression during the third pregnancy trimester and neonate's: 1) visual preference for the mother versus the stranger's face/voice (pretest v...

Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale: a psychometric study in a Portu...

Costa, Raquel A.; Figueiredo, Bárbara; Tendais, Iva Alexandra Barbosa; Conde, Ana; Pacheco, Alexandra P.; Teixeira, César Bessa Pinheiro Vieira

Background: The Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS, Brazelton & Nugent, 1995) is an instrument conceived to observe the neonatal neurobehavior. Data analysis is usually performed by organizing items into groups. The most widely used data reduction for the NBAS was developed by Lester, Als, and Brazelton (1982). Objective: Examine the psychometric properties of the NBAS items in a sample of 213 Portugues...

Anxiety and depression in women and men from early pregnancy to 3-months postpa...

Figueiredo, Bárbara; Conde, Ana

To investigate high-anxiety and depression in women and men from early pregnancy to 3-months postpartum, 260 Portuguese couples (N = 520) filled in the State-Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) and the Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) at the first, second, and third pregnancy trimesters, childbirth, and 3-months postpartum. Rates for high-anxiety (STAI-S ≥ 45) in women (13.1%; 12.2%; 18.2%; 18.6%; 4.7%) and ...

Maternal coffee intake and associated risk factors: effects on fetal growth and...

Conde, Ana; Teves, Cláudia; Figueiredo, Bárbara

Empirical studies have shown that fetal growth and activity can be affected by several risk factors, such as maternal anxiety, depression and tobacco or alcohol consumption. Caffeine intake has received less attention in the literature, as well as the analysis of the mutual interplay of the range of such risk factors. This study aimed to examine effects of mother’s coffee intake and associated risk factors duri...


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