Population structure, adaptation and divergence of the meadow spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera, Aphrophoridae), revealed by genomic and morphological data
Seabra, Sofia G.; Rodrigues, Ana S. B.; Silva, Sara E.; Neto, Ana Carina; Pina-Martins, Francisco; Marabuto, Eduardo; Thompson, Vinton; Wilson, Michael R.; Yurtsever, Selçuk; Halkka, Antti; Rebelo, Maria Teresa; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Quartau, José A.; Jiggins, Chris D.; Paulo, Octávio S.
Open Access
Journal article
Differential survival and reproduction in colour forms of Philaenus spumarius give new insights to the study of its balanced polymorphism
Silva, Sara E.; Rodrigues, Ana S. B.; Marabuto, Eduardo; Yurtsever, Selçuk; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Quartau, José A.; Paulo, Octávio S.; Seabra, Sofia G.
Mestadata only Access
Journal article
Assessing genotype-phenotype associations in three dorsal colour morphs in the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) using genomic and transcriptomic resources
Rodrigues, Ana S. B.; Silva, Sara E.; Pina-Martins, Francisco; Loureiro, João; Castro, Mariana; Gharbi, Karim; Johnson, Kevin P.; Dietrich, Christopher H.; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Quartau, José A.; Jiggins, Chris D.; Paulo, Octávio S.; Seabra, Sofia G.
Open Access
Journal article