Project/scholarship information

Name of project/scholarship Navigating with ‘Magalhães': Study on the Impact of Digital Media in School Children
Funder FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Funding program 5876-PPCDTI
Project/scholarship ID 101381
Reference PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008
FundRef URI
Start date 2010-05-03
End date 2013-05-30
Funding amount 78,638.00 €

Report information



Report date 2025-01-12
Number of documents 8

Documents by repository

rum 8

Documents by document type

bookPart 3
book 1
journal article 3
master thesis 1

Documents by rightsAccess rights

restrictedAccess 1
openAccess 7


Digital literacy, technology and social inclusion: making sense of one-to-one computer programmes around the world Pereira, Sara Open Access Book 2015 rum
Digital media in primary schools: literacy or technology? Analyzing government and media discourses Pereira, Sara; Pereira, Luís Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum
The Portuguese programme ‘one laptop per child’ and its impact on families: a study on parents’ and children’s perspectives Pereira, Sara Open Access Journal article 2016 rum
Introduction [to Digital literacy, technology and social inclusion: making sense of one-to-one computer programmes around the world] Pereira, Sara Open Access Book part 2015 rum
Foreword [to Digital literacy, technology and social inclusion: making sense of one-to-one computer programmes around the world] Pinto, Manuel Open Access Book part 2015 rum
As políticas tecnológicas para a educação e a literacia digital: o caso do programa governamental ‘e.escolinha’ Pereira, Sara; Melro, Ana Isabel Gomes Gonçalves Open Access Journal article 2012 rum
A cobertura jornalística do computador "Magalhães": um estudo dos semanários portugueses Melro, Ana Isabel Gomes Gonçalves Open Access Master thesis 2011 rum
The Portuguese programme one laptop per child: political, educational and social impact Pereira, Sara; Pereira, Luís; Melro, Ana Isabel Gomes Gonçalves Open Access Book part 2015 rum