Project/scholarship information

Name of project/scholarship MST4IRTO: New models and solution techniques for integrated and real-time optimization in the supply chains
Funder FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Funding program 5876-PPCDTI
Project/scholarship ID 116676
Reference PTDC/EGE-GES/116676/2010
FundRef URI
Start date 2012-04-16
End date 2015-09-15
Funding amount 85,200.00 €

Report information



Report date 2025-03-07
Number of documents 14

Documents by repository

rum 14

Documents by document type

conference paper 4
bookPart 3
book 1
doctoral thesis 1
journal article 5

Documents by rightsAccess rights

restrictedAccess 13
openAccess 1


An exact approach based on a new pseudo-polynomial network flow model for integrated planning and scheduling Rietz, Jurgen Endre; Alves, Cláudio; Braga, Nuno; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Journal article 2016 rum
Variable neighborhood search for the elementary shortest path problem with loading constraints Pinto, Telmo; Alves, Cláudio; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Conference paper 2015 rum
A model-based heuristic for the combined cutting stock and scheduling problem Braga, Nuno; Alves, Cláudio; Macedo, Rita; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Conference paper 2015 rum
Modelos e métodos de optimização para problemas de planeamento e gestão integrada de operações Braga, Nuno Manuel Ferreira Open Access Doctoral thesis 2016 rum
Combined cutting stock and scheduling: a matheuristic approach Braga, Nuno; Alves, Cláudio; Macedo, Rita Alexandra Santos Gonçalves; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Journal article 2016 rum
Fast heuristics for integrated planning and scheduling Rietz, Jurgen Endre; Alves, Cláudio; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Conference paper 2015 rum
Integer programming based approaches for multi-trip location routing Macedo, Rita Alexandra Santos Gonçalves; Ramos, Bruna Silva; Alves, Cláudio; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel; Hanafi, Saïd; Mladenović, Nenad Restricted Access Book part 2016 rum
Exploring a column generation approach for a routing problem with sequential packing constraints Pinto, Telmo; Alves, Cláudio; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Book part 2015 rum
An insertion heuristic for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with loading constraints and mixed linehauls and backhauls Pinto, Telmo; Alves, Cláudio; Carvalho, José Valério de; Moura, Ana Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum
Exact solution of combined cutting stock and scheduling problems Braga, Nuno; Alves, Cláudio; Valério de Carvalho, José Manuel Restricted Access Book part 2016 rum
Solving the multiscenario Max-Min Knapsack problem exactly with column generation and branch-and-bound Pinto, Telmo; Alves, Cláudio; Mansi, Raid; Carvalho, J. M. Valério de Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum
Exact solution of the multi-trip inventory routing problem using a pseudo-polynomial model Braga, Nuno; Alves, Cláudio; Macedo, Rita Restricted Access Conference paper 2017 rum
Dual-feasible functions for integer programming and combinatorial optimization: basics, extensions and applications Alves, Cláudio; Clautiaux, François; Carvalho, José Valério de; Rietz, Jurgen Endre Restricted Access Book 2016 rum
Skewed general variable neighborhood search for the location routing scheduling problem Macedo, Rita; Alves, Cláudio; Hanafi, Said; Jarboui, Bassem; Mladenovic, Nenad; Ramos, Bruna; Carvalho, J. M. Valério de Restricted Access Journal article 2015 rum