Project/scholarship information

Name of project/scholarship Portuguese as Heritage Language and language change
Funder FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Funding program 5876-PPCDTI
Project/scholarship ID 133785
Reference EXPL/MHC-LIN/0763/2013
FundRef URI
Start date 2014-03-15
End date 2015-05-14
Funding amount 21,363.00 €

Report information



Report date 2025-01-12
Number of documents 9

Documents by repository

rum 9

Documents by document type

conference paper 1
bookPart 3
journal article 4
master thesis 1

Documents by rightsAccess rights

restrictedAccess 1
openAccess 8


Null objects in the spontaneous speech of monolingual and bilingual speakers of European Portuguese Rinke, Esther; Flores, Cristina; Barbosa, Pilar Open Access Journal article 2017 rum
“Em casa mais português, mas também alemão”: perspetivas da linguística e da didática de línguas sobre narrativas de uso da língua de herança Flores, Cristina; Melo-Pfeifer, Sílvia Open Access Book part 2016 rum
A realização do sujeito em complementos infinitivos de verbos causativos e percetivos no português língua de herança Pereira, Cátia Daniela Vieira Open Access Master thesis 2015 rum
Comparing the outcomes of early and late acquisition of european portuguese: an analysis of morpho-syntactic and phonetic performance Flores, Cristina; Rinke, Esther; Rato, Anabela Open Access Journal article 2017 rum
Portugiesisch als Herkunftssprache. Deutsch als Umgebungssprache. Anmerkungen zum Erwerb der Familiensprache in einem Migrationskontext Flores, Cristina Open Access Conference paper 2016 rum
Object realization across generations. A closer look on the spontaneous speech of Portuguese first and second generation migrants Flores, Cristina; Rinke, Esther; Azevedo, Cecília Restricted Access Book part 2017 rum
Global accent in the portuguese speech of heritage returnees Flores, Cristina; Rato, Anabela Open Access Journal article 2016 rum
Linguistic foundations of heritage language development from the perspective of romance languages in Germany Flores, Cristina; Kupisch, Tanja; Rinke, Esther Open Access Book part 2016 rum
A competência fonológica de falantes bilingues luso-alemães: um estudo sobre sotaque global, compreensibilidade e inteligibilidade da sua língua de herança Rato, Anabela; Flores, Cristina; Neves, Daniela Cunha; Oliveira, Diana Open Access Journal article 2015 rum