Project/scholarship information

Name of project/scholarship Cognitive Modulation of Pain: interaction between the limbic system and the supraspinal pain control system
Funder FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
Funding program POCI
Project/scholarship ID 46399
Reference POCTI/NSE/46399/2002
FundRef URI
Start date 2003-09-01
End date 2006-08-31
Funding amount 90,000.00 €

Report information



Report date 2025-01-13
Number of documents 8

Documents by repository

rum 8

Documents by document type

bookPart 1
journal article 7

Documents by rightsAccess rights

restrictedAccess 1
openAccess 7


Intraepithelial nerve fibers project into the lumen of the larynx Rodrigues, Manuel Lima; Nunes, Rui; Almeida, Armando Open Access Journal article 2004 rum
A new model of laryngitis: neuropeptide, cyclooxygenase, and cytokine profile Rodrigues, Manuel Lima; Fernandes, Ana Valle; Lamas, Nuno Jorge; Cruz, Andrea; Baltazar, Fátima; Milanezi, Fernanda; Nunes, Rui; Reis, R. M.; Pedrosa, Jorge; Castro, António G.; Almeida, Armando Open Access Journal article 2008 rum
Gabapentin supplemented with ropivacain block of trigger points improves pain control and quality of life in trigeminal neuralgia patients when compared with gabapentin alone Lemos, Laurinda; Flores, Sara; Oliveira, Pedro; Almeida, Armando Open Access Journal article 2008 rum
Distribution of neuromuscular junctions in laryngeal and syringeal muscles in vertebrates Rodrigues, Manuel Lima; Fernandes, Ana Valle; Nunes, Rui; Almeida, Armando Open Access Journal article 2006 rum
Descending inhibitory systems Pertovaara, Antti; Almeida, Armando Open Access Book part 2006 rum
Novel applications of common stereology software to represent the complete distribution, density and spatial organization of anterogradely labelled fibers in neuroanatomical tract-tracing studies Leite-Almeida, Hugo; Almeida, Armando Restricted Access Journal article 2007 rum
Neuropathic pain is associated with depressive behaviour and induces neuroplasticity in the amygdala of the rat Gonçalves, Leonor; Silva, Rui Jorge; Ribeiro, Filipa Pinto; Pêgo, José M.; Bessa, J. M.; Pertovaara, Antti; Sousa, Nuno; Almeida, Armando Open Access Journal article 2008 rum
Medullary control of nociceptive transmission: reciprocal dual communication with the spinal cord Almeida, Armando; Almeida, Hugo Leite; Tavares, Isaura Open Access Journal article 2006 rum