
Conservatório - Escola Profissional das Artes da Madeira, Eng.º Luiz Peter Clode

The CEPAM publishes a scientific journal dedicated to education and the arts every six months. The magazine is entitled Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (ISSN 1647-905X, printed version, ISSN 2183-7481, online version) and its main purpose is to disseminate the results of investigations and projects carried out in the different artistic areas, as long as they are directed to the education.The Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística (RPEA) accepts articles on any subject in the field of artistic education, resulting from original research or essays, preferably in one of the following areas: Music Education, Dance, Theater, Fine Arts, Musicology and History of Art . Articles from all Portuguese Speaking Countries are welcome and, in case of special relevance, texts written in English can be accepted. Proposed articles may not have been the subject of any other type of publication. This restriction does not apply to press releases or abstracts published in the context of scientific meetings.The RPEA provides immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. Thus, all articles are made available in an open, free and at no cost to the user

  • Number of documents 152


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