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The Role of the Positive Switching Costs in the Insurance Industry

Marcos, Anabela

The purpose of this paper is to test a framework in car insurances for examining the alternative routes through which different types of positive switching costs (social and lost benefits) operate in affecting outcomes, such as satisfaction, relational commitment, loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM). Thus, the objective of this paper is to understand the role that positive switching costs plays in the insurance ind...

Compra por Impulso: um estudo aplicado ao universo de estudantes do ensino supe...

Espírito Santo, Pedro Manuel; Cardoso, Patricia Milene Azinheira; Espírito Santo, Lidia Maria

This study has as main objetive the underlying impulse buy and the characteristics of the consumer and propensity to follow other people creating their own style. The inclusion of variables considered important, as consumer materialism, and their openness to new experiences seem to be key variables in a study that aims to broaden horizons in the scientific and business. Through a sample of university students w...

Value Co-Creation and Sustainability: A systematic literature review

Almeida, Raquel Pontes; Proença, João F.; Ferreira, Fabiana Nogueira Holanda

Sustainability and co-creation of value are two current topics for the marketing field. The purpose of this paper is to develop a systematic literature review taken these two topics together to highlight their implications to Sustainable Marketing. A systematic literature review about Sustainability and Value co-creation is performed based on papers published between 2010 and 2020, indexed on Web of Science. Bi...

Evolving factors influencing consumers' attitudes toward social media marketing...

Sohail, M. Sadiq; Al-Jabri, Ibrahim

This study aims to increase understanding of the factors affecting consumer attitudes towards social media marketing and the use of social media. Reviewing theories of reasoned action approach, the paper proposes a research model, which examines the determinants of consumer attitudes towards the use of social media marketing and consequent impact on social media use. Data for the study was collected from 372 co...

Price and Marketing Strategy in Tourism Contexts: A preliminary study to mitiga...

Barros, César; Sousa, Bruno

Tourism, as an area of study, has expanded its scope, reflecting an increasing recognition in the academic community paralleled by the application of interdisciplinary concepts and methods. In this context, seasonality has long been viewed as one of the most unique and worrisome facets of the tourism industry. It can be defined as a cyclical pattern that more or less repeats itself each year. In this context, t...

Date: 2019   |   Origin: CiencIPCA


Sousa, Bruno; Rodrigues, Sónia

In a world that undeniably competes for investment, visitors and residents, the adoption of approaches derived from the marketing has become a reality in the search for sustainability. It is a fact that a city marketing and brand management policy is able to promote and transform an image, boost economic activity and enhance all aspects of the city that present competitive advantage over other territories, so t...

Date: 2019   |   Origin: CiencIPCA

Enoturismo na Quinta de Sanguinhedo

Fernandes, Helena Liliana Castro

O presente trabalho intitula-se de Enoturismo na Quinta de Sanguinhedo. É o resultado de um estágio realizado no Monverde-Wine Experience Hotel, no período de março a junho de 2018. Este trabalho inicia-se com o enquadramento teórico, onde se analisa o conceito do enoturismo e sazonalidade, segue-se o estudo de caso Monverde-Wine Experience Hotel, apresentam-se as atividades realizadas ao longo do período de es...

Date: 2019   |   Origin: CiencIPCA

A acessibilidade no etourism: um estudo na ótica das pessoas portadoras de nece...

Macedo, Cátia; Sousa, Bruno

As páginas web são, atualmente, o rosto de qualquer organização turística e representam a porta de entrada para novos consumidores. Por este motivo, verifica‑se uma crescente preocupação em criar ferramentas digitais acessíveis que promovam a instituição, divulguem a sua oferta turística e fomentem o consumo. Por conseguinte, o uso das ferramentas digitais no turismo e, mais concretamente, no turismo direcionad...

Date: 2019   |   Origin: CiencIPCA

Knowledge of the Markings and Marketing Declarations for Sun Protection Products

Engler-Jastrzębska, Monika; Wilczyńska, Aleksandra

Information, in the form of written messages or symbols, placed on the packaging of cosmetic preparations, including sunscreen preparations which are so important for health, is a valuable source of consumer knowledge about a given product. The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of markings and marketing declarations. Moreover, to obtain information regarding which markings the respondents pay attenti...

QR Code adoption and mobile marketing practices in Portugal: An empirical study

Santos, José Freitas

The Quick Response (QR) code is seen as an emerging mobile technology that could have a high impact on the mobile marketing practices, including shopping, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and customer relationship management.This study investigates the intention to adopt the QR Code and its influence on digital marketing. To achieve this purpose an email survey was carried out among a sample of 11...

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