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Education for all- Inclusive education

Lebeer, Jo; Schraepen, Beno; Grácio, Luísa; Sart, Hande

Education for all is the slogan of UNESCO. During the last decades a worldwide movement towards inclusive education is taken place. The idea is to make the school accessible to all children, whatever their differences or background. Not only accessible but also to give every child, together with its peers, a good education. Inclusive education also means that children with special needs and/or disability are in...

Student engagement in Higher Education, age and parental education level

COVAS,Filomena; VEIGA,Feliciano Henriques

Abstract Within the scope of socio-cognitive theories, student engagement in school has been studied as a multidimensional construct. A four-dimensional perspective was adopted, with the dimensions: affective, cognitive, behavioural and agentic. The objective, to analyse how the variables age and parental education relate to student engagement in school. The sample consisted of 715 Portuguese public Higher Educ...

Date: 2021   |   Origin: Oasisbr

Somatic Education as an Inclusive Perspective in School Physical Education Classes

Costa, Fábio Soares da; Santos (Pontifícia Universidade Cató lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil), Andreia Mendes dos

Somatic education, as a set of bodily techniques and a relational process that affects our biology, consciousness, and the environment can be developed in the school for pedagogical purposes. This education can further be constituted as a mean of including bodily, behavioral, and physical fitness diversities. This assertion induces the development of reflections on some Somatic Education experiments/researches ...

Date: 2022   |   Origin: Oasisbr

Entrepreneurship education paradoxes

Sousa, Luis Nuno Figueiredo e; Paiva, Teresa

Entrepreneurship education is commonly recognised as an imperative of higher education. It is seen as a transversal competence essential to be developed in all levels of education. It is a crucial competence to be integrated into the different subjects and scientific areas. Additionally, entrepreneurship is one of the possible ways of accessing the labour market, as can be seen in community directives and natio...

Early childhood education: key competences in teacher education

Lino, Dalila

Teacher education is a complex field and requires high levels of specialization in diverse fields of knowledge. The formal preparation of early childhood teachers involve education in general aspects of teacher education, but requires a focus on specific components for a teaching that has its own specificity. Work with young children entail high levels of commitment, knowledge, skills and attitudes that should ...

Education, over-education and wage inequality : evidence for Spain

Budría, Santiago; Moro Egido, Ana

In this paper we use the European Community Household Panel to explore the connection between education, over-education, and wage-inequality in Spain for the period 1994-2001. Our central approach is based on quantile regression. We find that higher education is associated with higher wage dispersion. This indicates that an educational expansion towards higher education is expected, criteris paribus, to increas...

Comparison of distance education and smart education

Sharonova , Svetlana; Avdeeva , Elena

In the context of the pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19, the problems of organizing the educational process based on digital technologies came to the fore, and therefore close attention was paid to distance education. At the same time, to optimize the educational process, questions arise about the use of smart technologies. In this regard, there is often a replacement of concepts such as distance educat...

Date: 2020   |   Origin: Oasisbr

Towards a Gender Sensitive Teacher Education: a research in Basic Education

Queirós, Telma Maria Gonçalves; Ribeiro, Maria do Céu

In the context of current social and educational policies, guided by values of citizenship and equal opportunities, it is crucial that teacher education develops social and ethics dimensions in the future professionals. However, inequalities persist in society, like those related to gender. Education and teacher education are promising fields for changing. The Bologna process has put new challenges and created ...

Date: 2015   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Towards a Gender Sensitive Teacher Education: a research in Basic Education

Queirós, Telma Maria Gonçalves; Ribeiro, Maria do Céu

In the context of current social and educational policies, guided by values of citizenship and equal opportunities, it is crucial that teacher education develops social and ethics dimensions in the future professionals. However, inequalities persist in society, like those related to gender. Education and teacher education are promising fields for changing. The Bologna process has put new challenges and created ...

Date: 2015   |   Origin: Biblioteca Digital do IPB

Conceptions of health education practices in the context of Nursing Education

Pinheiro, Sâmia Jucá; Lucas, Francisca Ediquelle Queiroz; Barreto, Luciana de Fátima; Cruz, Monara Rochelle Cordeiro Marinho

Objective: to understand health education practices in the context of nursing education.Methods: a qualitative study held in a private Higher Education Institution. The participants were 22 subjects who answered a semi-structured interview, whose information was organized and analyzed by the content analysis method. Results: three categories were identified: health education and the nurse as an educator; health...

Date: 2016   |   Origin: Oasisbr

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