FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
21,363.00 €
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem; O presente estudo pretende investigar um caso particular de aquisição bilingue, a aquisição de uma língua de herança (LH). A LH refere-se à língua de origem de falantes bilingues que crescem em contexto de emigração com exposição à língua de origem dos pais/avós no contexto familiar e à língua maioritária, a do país de acolhimento, fora da família. Iremos analis...
Na área da perceção e produção de uma L2, a idade de aquisição e a quantidade e qualidade de exposição à língua-alvo são considerados fatores determinantes no desenvolvimento de um sotaque global (quase) nativo. O presente estudo avalia o efeito relativo destes dois fatores na competência fonológica de falantes de herança de português europeu (PE). Enunciados orais produzidos por doze falantes bilingues de port...
Instituto Camões
Coleção "Iberolinguistica ; 2"; In der Zweisprachigkeitsforschung wird der Begriff ‚Herkunftssprecher‘ verwendet um bilinguale Sprecher zu beschreiben, die zweisprachig in einem Migrationskontext aufwachsen. Dabei entwickelt sich die Umgebungssprache in der Regel zur dominanten und die Sprache des Herkunftlandes zu einer beschränkt verwendeten Sprache. Im Mittelpunkt der Forschung zu diesem Sprecherprofil steht...
The present study examined whether heritage speakers (HSs) of European Portuguese (EP) who were born or moved to a German-speaking country before the age of eight years were perceived as native speakers of EP. In particular, this study intended to determine whether a change of linguistic environment, length of residence in a migrant context, length of residence in the country of origin before migration and afte...
This paper discusses the role of different factors determining the linguistic competence of heritage speakers (HSs) based on examples from speakers who speak a Romance language (French, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish) as heritage language (HL) and German as the environmental language. Since the relative amount of contact with the HL and the environmental language may vary during the acquisition process, the ro...
This paper investigates object omissions in the spontaneous production of European Portuguese by second generation Portuguese-German bilingual speakers and compares them to first generation migrants, and two age-matched groups of monolingual speakers. The results show that bilingual speakers as well as the younger generation of monolinguals show a higher number of null objects in their speech than the two older...
The present paper compares the linguistic competence of German-Portuguese bilinguals with upper-intermediate German L2 learners (L2ers) of EP (European Portuguese) and with monolingual Portuguese speakers. The bilingual speakers are heritage speakers (HSs), who were raised bilingually with EP as the minority language and German as the majority language. The aim of our comparison is to verify in which way differ...
[Excerpt] Introduction: The present study investigates object realization in the Portuguese of Portuguese migrants who live in Germany. We specifically focus on two distinct groups of speakers: 1st generation migrants who moved to the host country as adults, i.e. late second language (L2) learners of German, and 2nd generation speakers who were born in Germany, and acquired Portuguese as their heritage language...
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